Tag: Pinturicchio

Madonna col Bambino benedicente (c.1480)

Pinturicchio (c.1454-1513) Madonna col Bambino benedicente (The Virgin and Blessing Child) c.1480 Tempera on wood, 53.5 x 35.5 cm National Gallery, London Presented by Queen Victoria at the Prince Consort’s wish, 1863. Pintoricchio painted a number of images of the Virgin…


(c.1454–1513) Bernardino di Betto Betti Bernardino di Betto di Biago The artist’s works: Crocifissione tra i santi Cristoforo e Girolamo Ante 1473 or c.1475–1478 Galleria Borghese, Roma Madonna col Bambino benedicente c.1480 National Gallery, London Santa Caterina d’Alessandria e committente c.1480 National Gallery, London Capo…

Luca Signorelli

(c.1445–1523) Luca d’Egidio di Ventura The artist’s works: Testa d’uomo 1480s Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg La Sacra Famiglia c.1487–1488 Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze La Sacra Famiglia c.1490–1495 National Gallery, London Madonna col Bambino c.1490 Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze Sposalizio della Vergine c.1490–1491 National Gallery…

Princeton University Art Museum

Founded: 1882 Address: Elm Dr, Princeton, NJ 08544, United States Website: https://artmuseum.princeton.edu/ Collection: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z See…

Gregorius I (Papa)

Saint Gregory the Great (c.540–604) Pope Gregorius I (590–604) Saint Gregory in Art: Antonello da Messina (c.1430-1479) Polittico di San Gregorio 1473 Museo Regionale, Messina     Guercino (1591-1666) San Gregorio e Santi c.1625–1626 National Gallery, London     Masolino da Panicale (c.1383-c.1440) Santi…


(fl.9th or 8th century BC) Ὅμηρος Works: • Ιλιάδα (Greek) ◊ L’Iliade (French) ◊ The Iliad (English) • Ομήρου Οδύσσεια Τόμος Α (Greek) • Ομήρου Οδύσσεια Τόμος Β (Greek) • Ομήρου Οδύσσεια Τόμος Γ (Greek) • Ομήρου Οδύσσεια Τόμος Δ (Greek) ◊ L’Odyssée (French) ◊ The Odyssey (English) Homer…

Museo de Bellas Artes de Valencia (Valencia)

Founded: 1837 Address: C/ San Pío V, nº 9, La Saïdia, 46010 Valencia, España Website: https://museobellasartesvalencia.gva.es/es Collection: • Bosch, Hieronymus (c.1450-1516): Arrest of Jesus (c.1510-20) • Bosch, Hieronymus (c.1450-1516): Crowning with Thorns (c.1510-20) • Bosch, Hieronymus (c.1450-1516): Flagellation of Jesus (c.1510-20) • Bosch,…

Galleria Borghese

Opened: 1902 Location: Piazzale Scipione Borghese 5, 00197 Roma Website: https://galleriaborghese.beniculturali.it/ Collection: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z See also:…

Santa Maria del Popolo (Roma)

Basilica Parrocchiale Santa Maria del Popolo Basilica Sancta Mariæ de Populo First chapel built in 1099 Founded: 1227 Consecrated: 1477 Completed: 1660 Address: Piazza del Popolo 12, 00187 Roma Website: https://www.agostiniani.it/comunita-agostiniane-provincia/parrocchia-santa-maria-popolo/ Chapels: • Cappella Cerasi Art: • Caravaggio (1571-1610): Conversione di…

National Gallery (London)

Established: 1824 Location: Trafalgar Square, London WC2 Website: https://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/ Collection: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z The National Gallery in…