Tag: Queen of Sheba

Salomone e la Regina di Saba (Porta del Paradiso)

Ghiberti, Lorenzo (1378-1455) Salomone e la Regina di Saba (Solomon and the Queen of Sheba) 1425–1452 Gilt bronze Battistero di San Giovanni, Firenze This is the tenth panel of the Gates of Paradise, with the story of Solomon and the Queen of…

Porta del Paradiso (1425-1452)

Ghiberti, Lorenzo (1378-1455) Porta del Paradiso (Gates of Paradise) 1425–1452 Gilt bronze, 599 × 462 × 245 cm Battistero di San Giovanni, Firenze Damaged during the flood of Florence, the original panels, after having been restored, are kept in the…

Salomone e la regina di Saba (c.1555)

Tintoretto, Jacopo (1518-1594) Salomone e la regina di Saba (Solomon and the Queen of Sheba) c.1555 Oil on canvas, 58 x 205 cm Museo del Prado, Madrid This is one of seven canvases (P00386, P00388, P00389, P00393, P00394, P00395, P00396)…