Tag: red

Fair Rosamund in her Bower (after 1854)

Scott, William Bell (1811-1890) Fair Rosamund in her Bower after 1854 Oil on canvas, 60.3 x 49.5 cm Private collection Comentary by Rupert Maas: Scott first painted the subject of Rosamund in 1854, for exhibition in the Royal Scottish Academy. This…

Fair Rosamond Alone in Her Bower (c.1853)

Scott, William Bell (1811-1890) Fair Rosamond Alone in Her Bower c.1853 Oil on canvas, 68 x 51.4 cm Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, Glasgow Compare: De Morgan, Evelyn (1855-1919) Queen Eleanor and the Fair Rosamund Probably 1901–1902 De Morgan Collection     Rossetti,…

Le chêne de la vallée (1871)

Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille (1796-1875) Le chêne de la vallée (The Oak in the Valley) 1871 Oil on canvas, 39.8 × 52.8 cm National Gallery, London This view was one of several pictures that Corot painted in May 1871 while he was staying…

Femme nue dans un fauteuil rouge (1932)

Picasso, Pablo (1881-1973) Femme nue dans un fauteuil rouge (Nude Woman in a Red Armchair) 1932 Oil on canvas, 129.9 × 97.2 cm Tate Britain, London Compare: Picasso, Pablo (1881-1973) Le fauteuil rouge 1931 Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago     See also: • Walter,…

Francesco de’ Medici (c.1560)

Allori, Alessandro (1535-1607) Francesco de’ Medici c.1560 Oil on poplar panel, 97.9 × 76.4 cm Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago See also: • Francesco I de’ Medici (1541-1587)

J. A. M. Whistler

Fantin-Latour, Henri (1836-1904) J. A. M. Whistler s.d. Oil on panel, 57.15 x 44.45 cm Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford See also: • Whistler, James Abbott McNeill (1834-1903)

Self-Portrait (1911)

Schiele, Egon (1890-1918) Self-Portrait 1911 Watercolor, gouache, and graphite on paper, 51.4 x 34.9 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Egon Schiele‘s career was short, intense, and amazingly productive. Before succumbing to influenza in 1918 at the age of twenty-eight,…

Buste de femme en rouge (1915)

Modigliani, Amedeo (1884-1920) Buste de femme en rouge (Female Bust in Red) 1915 Red gouache and black ink wash, 35.56 x 26.19 cm Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis