Tag: rifle

Les artilleurs (c.1893-1895)

Rousseau, Henri (1844-1910) Les artilleurs (Artillerymen) c.1893–1895 Oil on canvas, 80.6 x 100.6 cm Guggenheim Museum, New York Henri Rousseau endured the art-historical misfortune of being a working-class late bloomer—he was a Sunday painter who only began to paint seriously in his…

Nature morte au héron (1867)

Bazille, Frédéric (1841-1870) Nature morte au héron (Still Life with Heron) 1867 Oil on canvas, 98 x 78 cm Musée Fabre, Montpellier The classic theme of the hunting trophy, revisited in their time by Impressionist painters, was the subject of joint workshop…