Tag: room

Crouching human couple (1918)

Schiele, Egon (1890-1918) Crouching human couple / The Family (Kauerndes Menschenpaar / Die Familie) 1918 Oil on canvas, 150 × 160.8 cm Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Vienna A man and a woman, both naked, crouch in the darkness of a room. A child…

La Manucure (1897)

Vuillard, Édouard (1868-1940) La Manucure (The Manicure) 1897 Oil on board, 33.5 x 30 cm Southampton City Art Gallery, Southampton Like his friend Bonnard, Vuillard was a founder member of Les Nabis. Les Nabis were influenced by Gauguin‘s ideas on Synthetism –…

Intérieur rouge (1902)

Vuillard, Édouard (1868-1940) Intérieur rouge (Red Interior) 1902 Oil on tan paper mounted to cradled panel, 37.1 x 51.1 cm Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia Vuillard never married, and he lived with his mother, a seamstress, for her entire life. He often depicted…

Dans une salle (1899)

Vuillard, Édouard (1868-1940) Dans une salle (In a Room) 1899 Oil on cardboard pasted on panel, 52 x 79 cm Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg This artist’s fondness for the depiction of domestic scenes was probably bound up with recollections of the…

L’Homme au journal (1928)

Magritte, René (1898-1967) L’Homme au journal (Man with a Newspaper) 1928 Oil on canvas, 115.6 x 81.3 cm Tate Britain, London Magritte’s deadpan style is seen clearly in these four simply painted scenes. Each section seems to be exactly the same,…

Femme dans un intérieur (1935)

Vuillard, Édouard (1868-1940) Femme dans un intérieur (Woman in an Interior, Madame Hessel at Les Clayes) 1935 Oil on paper, 40.9 x 55.7 cm Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton This intimate work was painted, according to Vuillard’s journal, on Easter morning…

La Cheminée (1905)

Vuillard, Édouard (1868-1940) La Cheminée (The Mantelpiece) 1905 Oil on cardboard, 51.4 × 77.5 cm National Gallery, London This picture – a combination of interior scene and still-life painting – shows Vuillard’s room at Château-Rouge in Amfreville, Normandy. His friends Jos and…

The Magdalen Reading (c.1435)

Van der Weyden, Rogier (c.1399-1464) The Magdalen Reading c.1435 Oil on mahogany, transferred from another panel, 62.2 × 54.4 cm National Gallery, London A young lady in an extravagant green dress sits on the floor, reading. Although she wears fifteenth-century clothing…

The Flag Outside her Window (1918)

Hassam, Childe (1859-1935) The Flag Outside her Window, April, 1918 (The Boys Marching By) 1918 Oil on canvas, 81.3 x 72.1 cm Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford A young woman turns her attention to the parade for Preparedness Day, an event marking America’s participation…