Tag: Saint Lucy

Santa Lucia (c.1507)

Perugino (c.1446-1523) Santa Lucia (Saint Lucy) c.1507 Oil on wood, 160 x 67 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York These two panels are from an enormous double-sided altarpiece on the high altar of the church of Santissima Annunziata, Florence. Begun by Filippino Lippi in 1502,…

Santa Lucía (1625-1630)

Zurbarán, Francisco de (1598-1664) Santa Lucía (Saint Lucy) c.1625–1630 Oil on canvas, 104.14 × 77 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington Few images of saints show women as gorgeously attired as Francisco de Zurbarán‘s. His Saint Lucy portrays the young…

Chiesa di Santa Lucia alla Badia (Siracusa)

Founded: 1427 Rebuilt: 1695 (after destruction by an earthquake in 1693) Completed: 1703 Address: Via Santa Lucia alla Badia, 2, 96100 Siracusa, Italia Website: https://www.comune.siracusa.it/vivere-il-comune/luoghi/s-lucia-alla-badia Works of Art: • Caravaggio (1571-1610): Sepellimento di Santa Lucia (1608) See also: • Churches | Siracusa (Italia)

Siracusa (Italia)

Churches: • Santa Lucia alla Badia: Via S. Lucia alla Badia, Siracusa Saints: • Lucy See also: • Cities | Italia | Sicilia