Tag: Saint Matthias

Apostolo (c.1615-1619)

Ribera, Jusepe de (1591-1652) Apostolo (An Apostle) c.1615–1619 Oil on canvas, 62 x 49.5 cm National Gallery, London This painting probably belonged to a series of Apostles. Although he was previously identified as Saint Judas Thaddaeus, usually portrayed with a club…

Santi Gregorio Magno e Mattia (c.1428-1429)

Masolino da Panicale (c.1383-c.1440) Santi Gregorio Magno e Mattia (Saint Gregory? and Saint Matthias) c.1428–1429 Tempera grassa and oil on poplar, transferred to fibreboard, 126.3 x 59.1 cm National Gallery, London Saint Matthias is shown holding the axe that was used…