Tag: Saint Roch

Pala di Gambassi (1527-1528)

Andrea del Sarto (1486-1530) Pala di Gambassi, Madonna con Bambino in gloria e Santi (Gambassi Altarpiece, Virgin and Child in Glory with Six Saints) 1527–1528 Oil on panel, 209 x 176 cm Galleria Palatina, Palazzo Pitti, Firenze This is the central panel of…

Il Tramonto (1506-1510)

Giorgione (c.1477-1510) Il Tramonto (The Sunset) 1506–1510 Oil on canvas, 73.3 cm x 91.4 cm National Gallery, London The meaning of this scene, which takes place in a rocky landscape at sunset or sunrise, is difficult to decipher, largely because…