Tag: scene

Matrimonio mistico di santa Caterina (c.1620)

Guercino (1591-1666) Matrimonio mistico di santa Caterina (Mystical Marriage of St Catherine of Alexandria) c.1620 Oil on canvas, 89 x 75.7 cm Gemäldegalerie, Berlin Typical of Guercino‘s early, pre-Roman phase are the very delicate gradations of the main sections, shimmering…

Riposo nella fuga in Egitto (1624)

Guercino (1591-1666) Riposo nella fuga in Egitto (Rest on the Flight into Egypt) 1624 Oil on canvas, diameter 68.5 cm Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland Giovanni Francesco Barbieri (called il Guercino) created Rest on the Flight to Egypt as a…

Deposizione nel sepolcro (1656)

Guercino (1591-1666) Deposizione nel sepolcro (The Entombment) 1656 Oil on canvas, 146.7 x 221.2 cm Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago Guercino’s career is unusually well documented, in part due to the survival of his account books, which reveal that he…

Abramo ripudia Agar e Ismaele (1657)

Guercino (1591-1666) Abramo ripudia Agar e Ismaele (Abraham casting out Hagar and Ishmael) 1657 Oil on canvas, 115 x 154 cm Pinacoteca di Brera, Milano Guercino sets the story of Abraham, aged 100, casting out the slave Hagar and their…

Giuseppe e la moglie di Putifar (1649)

Guercino (1591-1666) Giuseppe e la moglie di Putifar (Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife) 1649 Oil on canvas, 123.2 x 158 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington A nude woman with pale pink skin reclines under cream-white sheets in a bed as…

Amnon e Tamar (1649-1650)

Guercino (1591-1666) Amnon e Tamar (Amnon and Tamar) 1649–1650 Oil on canvas, 123 x 158.5 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington Shown from the thighs up, a light-skinned man and woman gesture dramatically, partially covered only by colorful lengths of…