Tag: standing

Le Pont de l’Europe (c.1876)

Caillebotte, Gustave (1848-1894) Le pont de l’Europe c.1876 Oil on canvas Private collection Compare: Caillebotte, Gustave (1848-1894) Étude pour “Le Pont de l’Europe” 1876 Buffalo AKG Art Museum, Buffalo     Caillebotte, Gustave (1848-1894) Le Pont de l’Europe 1876 Musée du Petit Palais, Genève  …

Devant le miroir (1876)

Manet, Édouard (1832-1883) Devant le miroir (Before the Mirror) 1876 Oil on canvas, 93 x 71.6 cm Guggenheim Museum, New York In 1865 Edouard Manet shocked Parisian audiences at the Salon with his painting Olympia (1863), an unabashed depiction of a prostitute…

L’Italienne (1916)

Matisse, Henri (1869-1954) L’Italienne (The Italian Woman) 1916 Oil on canvas, 116.7 x 89.5 cm Guggenheim Museum, New York Henri Matisse often painted the same subject in versions that range from relatively realistic to more abstract or schematic. At times the transition…

Dans la vanillère, homme et cheval (1891)

Gauguin, Paul (1848-1903) Dans la vanillère, homme et cheval (In the Vanilla Grove, Man and Horse) 1891 Oil on jute canvas, 73 x 92 cm Guggenheim Museum, New York Prior to his first voyage to Tahiti in 1891, Paul Gauguin claimed—from a…

Uomo in armatura (c.1530)

Tiziano (c.1488-1576) Uomo in armatura (Man in Armour) c.1530 Oil on canvas, 65 x 58 cm Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, Milano In his Musaeum Federico Borromeo writes that “Titian would have wanted to paint his father like this, armour-clad, to celebrate in a playful…

Santa Águeda (c.1635-1640)

Zurbarán, Francisco de (1598-1664) Santa Águeda (Saint Agatha) c.1635–1640 Oil on canvas, 129 × 61 cm Musée Fabre, Montpellier The prefect Quintianus wants to marry the beautiful and noble Sicilian Agathe; having dedicated her life to Christ, she refuses. So he makes…

La Rencontre ou Bonjour Monsieur Courbet (1854)

Courbet, Gustave (1819-1877) La Rencontre ou Bonjour Monsieur Courbet (The Meeting or Hello M. Courbet) 1854 Oil on canvas, 132.40 x 151 cm Musée Fabre, Montpellier Montpellier, painted by the artist for Alfred Bruyas (1821-1877), 1854; gift from Alfred Bruyas to the…

San Gregorio (1473)

Antonello da Messina (c.1430-1479) San Gregorio (Saint Gregory) 1473 Oil on panel, 125 x 63 cm Museo Regionale, Messina This is the left panel of the Saint Gregory Polyptych. Antonello da Messina (c.1430-1479) Polittico di San Gregorio 1473 Museo Regionale, Messina     See…