Tag: tonsure

Passion Triptych (c.1510-1520)

Bosch, Hieronymus (c.1450-1516) Passion Triptych c.1510–1520 Oil and gold on panel, 150.5 x 334.5 cm Museo de Bellas Artes, Valencia Left panel: Bosch, Hieronymus (c.1450-1516) Arrest of Jesus c.1510–1520 Museo de Bellas Artes, Valencia     Central panel: Bosch, Hieronymus (c.1450-1516) Crowning…

Virgen de las Fiebres (c.1500)

Pinturicchio (c.1454-1513) Virgen de las Fiebres (Madonna with Writing Child and Kneeling Bishop) c.1500 Oil and gold on panel, 158 x 77.3 cm Museo de Bellas Artes, Valencia

Santa Caterina d’Alessandria e committente (c.1480)

Pinturicchio (c.1454-1513) Santa Caterina d’Alessandria e committente (Saint Catherine of Alexandria with a Donor) c.1480 Oil on wood, 56.5 x 38.1 cm National Gallery, London This painting was made for private worship, and the donor who commissioned it is shown kneeling…

Testa di santo con tonsura e barba (c.1440-1444)

Domenico Veneziano (c.1410-1461) Testa di santo con tonsura e barba (Head of a Tonsured, Bearded Saint) c.1440–1444 Fresco, transferred to tile, 45 x 35.5 cm National Gallery, London This is a fragment of a fresco of an image of a standing saint.…

Testa di santo con tonsura senza barba (c.1440-1444)

Domenico Veneziano (c.1410-1461) Testa di santo con tonsura senza barba (Head of a Tonsured, Beardless Saint) c.1440–1444 Fresco, transferred to tile, 43 x 35.5 cm National Gallery, London This is a fragment of a fresco of a full-length standing figure of a…

Madonna col Bambino e santi (1522)

Lotto, Lorenzo (1480-1557) Madonna col Bambino e santi (Madonna and Child with Saints) 1522 Oil on canvas, 91 x 75.4 cm National Gallery, London The Virgin Mary holds the naked infant Christ who sits on a pillow on a coffin. The elderly…

San Benito (1640-1645)

Zurbarán, Francisco de (1598-1664) San Benito (Saint Benedict) c.1640–1645 Oil on canvas, 188 x 103.5 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York This painting formed part of a series by Zurbarán representing the thirteen founders of monastic orders, known today…

Pala di San Cassiano (1475-1476)

Antonello da Messina (c.1430-1479) Pala di San Cassiano (San Cassiano Altarpiece) 1475–1476 Oil on poplar panel Center table: Madonna and Child, 115 × 63 cm Left panel: Saint Nicholas of Bari and Saint Magdalene (?), 55.5 × 35 cm Right…