Tag: turban

La Manucure (1897)

Vuillard, Édouard (1868-1940) La Manucure (The Manicure) 1897 Oil on board, 33.5 x 30 cm Southampton City Art Gallery, Southampton Like his friend Bonnard, Vuillard was a founder member of Les Nabis. Les Nabis were influenced by Gauguin‘s ideas on Synthetism –…

Adorazione dei Magi (c.1557-1560)

Tiziano (c.1488-1576) Adorazione dei Magi (Adoration of the Magi) c.1557–1560 Oil on canvas, 223 × 120 cm Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, Milano Painted around 1559–60, the painting has much in common with Titian’s mature works. The rendering of the sky is interesting, for the…

Portrait de Madame X (1878)

Caillebotte, Gustave (1848-1894) Portrait de Madame X (Portrait of Madame X) 1878 Pastel, 63 x 50 cm Musée Fabre, Montpellier A central figure in Impressionism, Caillebotte trained in 1871 in the very academic studio of Léon Bonnat. While he passed the entrance…

Femmes d’Alger dans leur intérieur (1849)

Delacroix, Eugène (1798-1863) Femmes d’Alger dans leur intérieur (Women of Algiers in their interior) 1849 Oil on canvas, 85 × 112 cm Musée Fabre, Montpellier Paris, entrusted by the artist to the silver statue lottery, around September 1849; acquired from this lottery…

Madonna Garvagh (c.1510-1511)

Raffaello (1483-1520) Madonna Garvagh / Madonna Aldobrandini (Garvagh Madonna or Aldobrandini) c.1510–1511 Oil on wood, 38.9 × 32.9 cm National Gallery, London This is one of several small and medium-sized Madonnas made by Raphael in the years immediately following his arrival in…

La Mort de Sardanapale, esquisse (1826-1827)

Delacroix, Eugène (1798-1863) La Mort de Sardanapale, esquisse (The Death of Sardanapalus, sketch) 1826–1827 Oil on canvas, 81 × 100 cm Musée du Louvre, Paris Compare: Delacroix, Eugène (1798-1863) La mort de Sardanapale 1844 Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia     Delacroix, Eugène (1798-1863) Mort…

San Sebastiano curato da Sant’Irene (1628)

Ribera, Jusepe de (1591-1652) San Sebastiano curato da Sant’Irene (St Sebastian Cured by St Irene) 1628 Oil on canvas, 156.5 x 188 cm Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg Jusepe de Ribera lived the greater part of his life in Naples, which at…

Autoritratto come Santa Caterina d’Alessandria (c.1615-1617)

Gentileschi, Artemisia (1593-c.1653) Autoritratto come Santa Caterina d’Alessandria (Self Portrait as Saint Catherine of Alexandria) c.1615–1617 Oil on canvas, 71.4 × 69 cm National Gallery, London Artemisia Gentileschi, the most celebrated female artist of the seventeenth century, appears in the guise…

Christ Carrying the Cross (c.1500)

Bosch, Hieronymus (c.1450-1516) Christ Carrying the Cross c.1500 Oil on oak panel, 57.2 x 32 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna This is the inner left wing of a tryptych. The double-sided painted panel originally formed the left wing of a small altar.…