Tag: Vasari

Cristo in casa di Simone il fariseo (1544)

Vasari, Giorgio (1511-1574) Cristo in casa di Simone il fariseo (Christ in the House of Simon the Pharisee) 1544 Pen, ink, chalk and brush on paper, 55.6 x 41.4 cm Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam This detailed drawing on blue paper is a study…

Cristo risorto adorato da santi e angeli (1566-1568)

Vasari, Giorgio (1511-1574) Cristo risorto adorato da santi e angeli (The Risen Christ Adored by Saints and Angels) 1566–1568 Black chalk, pen and brown ink on paper, 41.9 x 26.5 cm Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland This highly finished presentation drawing,…

Guido Cavalcanti

(c.1255–1300) Works: • Rime (Italian) • Sonnets and Ballate (English) Cavalcanti in Art: Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828-1882) Giotto Painting the Portrait of Dante 1852 Private collection     Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828-1882) Study for Giotto Painting the Portrait of Dante 1852 Tate…

San Luca (1570-1571)

Vasari, Giorgio (1511-1574) San Luca (Saint Luke) 1570–1571 Oil on panel, 177.8 × 99.1 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington The Saint Luke and Saint Mark panels were part of a commission from Pope Pius V in 1569 to decorate the newly…

San Marco (1570-1571)

Vasari, Giorgio (1511-1574) San Marco (Saint Mark) 1570–1571 Oil on panel, 177.8 × 99.1 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington The Saint Luke and Saint Mark panels were part of a commission from Pope Pius V in 1569 to decorate the newly built Torre Pio (Pius Tower) in…

Sei poeti toscani (1544)

Vasari, Giorgio (1511-1574) Sei poeti toscani (Six Tuscan Poets) 1544 Oil on panel, 132.08 x 131.13 cm Minneapolis Institute of Art, Minneapolis See also: • Alighieri, Dante (1265-1321) | Boccaccio, Giovanni (1313-1375) | Cavalcanti, Guido (c.1255-1300) | Petrarca, Francesco (1304-1374)