Tag: Venetian

Fêtes Vénitiennes (1718-1719)

Watteau, Antoine (1684-1721) Fêtes Vénitiennes (Venetian Festivals) 1718–1719 Oil on canvas, 56.3 × 46.2 cm Scottish National Gallery, Edinburgh This is a very fine example of the ‘fêtes galantes’ perfected by Watteau. He included himself as the seated musician playing a musette.…

Marino Faliero

(1274–1355) Marin Falier or Falieri Dux LV Doge della Repubblica di Venezia (1354–1355) Marino Faliero in Art: Delacroix, Eugène (1798-1863) L’exécution du Doge Marino Faliero 1825–1826 Wallace Collection, London   Born 1274 Venezia (Italia) Died April 17 1355 Venezia (Italia) Cause of death Execution (decapitation) Occupation Diplomat…

Caterina Cornaro

(1454–1510) Αικατερίνη Κορνάρο Catarina Corner Queen Consort of Cyprus (1472–1473) Queen of Cyprus (1474–1489) Queen of Jerusalem and Armenia Caterina Cornaro in Art: Bellini, Gentile (c.1429-1507) Caterina Cornaro, regina di Cipro c.1500 Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest   Born November 25…

Tomaso Albinoni

(1671–1750) Tomaso Giovanni Albinoni Works: • Adagio in G Minor • Concerti per oboe • Sonate da Chiesa Op. 4 Born June 8 1671 Venezia (Italia) Died January 17 1750 Venezia (Italia) Occupation Composer Musician Violinist

Antonio Vivaldi

(1678–1741) Antonio Lucio Vivaldi Works: • Concertos for Violin or Oboe, Op.7 (1720) • Filiae maestae Jerusalem (c.1715) • La Follia (1703) • La Stravaganza (1712-1713) • Le quattro stagioni (1725) ◊ La primavera (1725) ◊ L’estate (1725) ◊ L’autunno (1725) ◊ L’inverno (1725)…

Rosalba Carriera

(1675–1757) Rosalba Giovanna Carriera The artist’s works: Ritratto d’uomo c.1710 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Una donna che si mette dei fiori nei capelli c.1710 Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland Autoritratto con il ritratto della sorella 1715 Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze Allegoria…

La Bella Nani (c.1560)

Veronese, Paolo (1528-1588) La Bella Nani (Portrait of a Venetian woman) c.1560 Oil on canvas, 119 × 103 cm Musée du Louvre, Paris At the time of its rediscovery at the end of the 19th century, it was thought that this portrait…

Lorenzo Lotto

(1480–1557) The artist’s works: Allegoria della castità c.1505 National Gallery of Art, Washington Allegoria della Virtù e del Vizio 1505 National Gallery of Art, Washington Madonna col Bambino e santi c.1505 Scottish National Gallery, Edinburgh Madonna con Bambino 1508 Galleria Borghese, Roma San Giuseppe…

Portrait of a Young Venetian Woman (1505)

Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528) Portrait of a Young Venetian Woman 1505 Spruce, 33 × 24.5 × 2.7 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna Inscribed at the top in the middle with the monogram, dat. 1505 We don’t know who the charming young lady is,…

Venetian Bead Stringers (1880 or 1882)

Sargent, John Singer (1856-1925) Venetian Bead Stringers 1880 or 1882 Oil on canvas, 66.99 x 78.1 cm Buffalo AKG Art Museum, Buffalo John Singer Sargent was fond of making studies in watercolor or oil and often sketched the everyday scenes or…