Tag: Vienna

Casa de locos (after 1794)

Goya, Francisco de (1746-1828) Casa de locos (Madhouse) after 1794 Oil on wood, 44.5 × 69.5 cm Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Vienna Compare: Goya, Francisco de (1746-1828) Corral de locos 1794 Meadows Museum, Dallas    

Crouching human couple (1918)

Schiele, Egon (1890-1918) Crouching human couple / The Family (Kauerndes Menschenpaar / Die Familie) 1918 Oil on canvas, 150 × 160.8 cm Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Vienna A man and a woman, both naked, crouch in the darkness of a room. A child…

Napoléon au Grand Saint-Bernard (1801)

David, Jacques-Louis (1748-1825) Napoléon au Grand Saint-Bernard (Napoleon at the Great St. Bernard) 1801 Oil on canvas, 275 × 232 cm Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Vienna With the wind at his back – his red cape practically flying ahead of him – Napoleon…

La Rue de Gisors à Pontoise (1868)

Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) La Rue de Gisors à Pontoise (Street in Pontoise, Rue de Gisors) 1868 Oil on canvas, 38.5 × 46.2 cm Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Vienna See also: • Pontoise (France)

Une allée du jardin de Monet à Giverny (1902)

Monet, Claude (1840-1926) Une allée du jardin de Monet à Giverny (An alley in Monet’s garden in Giverny) 1902 Oil on canvas, 89.5 × 92.3 cm Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Vienna It is late summer. The leaves and flowers seem to shimmer, splashes…

Femme à la fourrure (c.1880)

Manet, Édouard (1832-1883) Femme à la fourrure (Lady in a fur) c.1880 Pastel on canvas, 55.8 × 45.8 cm Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Vienna She looks out of the picture confidently. Her hair is carefully styled, the fur is casually draped over her…

Le Père Paul (1882)

Monet, Claude (1840-1926) Le Père Paul 1882 Oil on canvas, 64.5 × 52.1 cm Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Vienna The light! The colors! Impressionist paintings seem to glow from within. Pink, blue and green stand side by side in many different shades. Up…

Small Self-Portrait (c.1657)

Rembrandt (1606-1669) Small Self-Portrait c.1657 Oil on walnut wood, 48 × 40.6 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna In this informal portrait, Rembrandt confronts the viewer in everyday attire – a brown skirt and red woollen shirt. With advancing age, simplicity of appearance and…

Cristo e la Samaritana (c.1585)

Veronese, Paolo (1528-1588) Cristo e la Samaritana (Christ and the Samaritan) c.1585 Oil on canvas, 143.5 × 288.3 × 3.2 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna The Gospel according to St. John reflects the thoughtful dialogue between Christ and the (non-Jewish) woman from Samaria…