Tag: wreath of ivy

Le Triomphe de Silène (c.1636)

Poussin, Nicolas (1594-1665) Le Triomphe de Silène (The Triumph of Silenus) c.1636 Oil on canvas, 142.9 × 120.5 cm National Gallery, London This playful scene celebrates Silenus, companion to Bacchus, the Roman god of wine and drunkenness. Silenus, a naked old…

Bravo (c.1515-1520)

Tiziano (c.1488-1576) Bravo (The Bravo) c.1515–1520 Oil on canvas, 77 × 66.5 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna Titian intensifies the close-up half-figure action picture developed by his teacher Giorgione into concentrated drama. The three-quarter portrait of the vine-leafed protagonist contrasts with the…