Monet, Claude (1840-1926)
Nature morte à la bouteille et à la carafe, au pain et au vin (Still Life with Bottle, Carafe, Bread, and Wine)
Oil on canvas, 39.69 × 59.85 cm
National Gallery of Art, Washington
Gift of the artist to Eugene Boudin [1894-1898].[1] Edmond Mâitre [1840-1898], Paris; his wife, Mme Maître;[2] sold 1899 to (Durand-Ruel, Paris). Collection Lafon, from 1912; (Durand-Ruel, Paris), by 1957.[3] (Sam Salz, New York); purchased 1958 by Leigh B. [1905-1987] and Mary Lasker [1904-1981] Block, Chicago; (their sale, Sotheby’s, New York, 20 May 1981, no. 317); Paul Mellon [1907-1999], Upperville, Virginia; bequest 1999 to NGA, with life estate to his wife, Rachel Lambert Mellon [1910-2014].
[1] The provenance is given in the 1981 sale catalogue of the Block collection.
[2] This detail is in Daniel Wildenstein, Monet: Cataloge raisonné – Werkverzeichnis, 4 vols., Cologne and Paris, 1996: 2:13, no. 13.
[3] The dealer lent the painting to Claude Monet, a 1957 exhibition shown in Edinburgh and London.