Tag: 1479

Madonna col Bambino (c.1475-1480)

Botticini, Francesco (1446-1498) Madonna col Bambino (Madonna and Child) c.1475–1480 Tempera on poplar panel, 64.6 x 45 cm Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland Francesco di Giovanni Botticini came from a family of painters. His father, Giovanni di Domenico, and his son,…

Madonna con Bambino e angelo (1475-1485)

Botticelli, Sandro (c.1445-1510) Madonna con Bambino e angelo (Virgin and Child with an Angel) 1475–1485 Tempera on panel, 85.8 × 59.1 cm Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago In this humanizing yet idealized depiction of the Virgin Mary embracing the baby Jesus, Sandro…

Madonna and Child with Angels (after 1479)

Memling, Hans (c.1430-1494) Madonna and Child with Angels after 1479 Oil on panel, 57.6 x 46.4 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington In the tradition of his Flemish predecessors, Memling‘s painting contains a wealth of religious meaning; it is filled with symbols…

Madonna della melagrana (1475-1480)

Lorenzo di Credi (c.1459-1537) Madonna della melagrana (Madonna and Child with a Pomegranate) 1475–1480 Oil on poplar panel, 16.5 x 13.4 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington Shown from about the waist up, a woman stands on the far side of a…

Virgin and Child (c.1475-1480)

Memling, Hans (c.1430-1494) Virgin and Child c.1475–1480 Oil on wood, diameter 17.5 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York The composition of this small roundel of the Virgin suckling the Christ Child was very popular, disseminated through workshop patterns that date…

Storia di Lucrezia (c.1478-1480)

Lippi, Filippino (1457-1504) Storia di Lucrezia (The Story of Lucretia) c.1478–1480 Tempera on wood, 42 x 126 cm Galleria Palatina, Palazzo Pitti, Firenze The painting shows the death of Roman heroine, Lucretia, faithful, modest wife, raped by the king of the last…