Tag: 1505

Noli Me Tangere (1500-1505)

Perugino (c.1446-1523) Noli Me Tangere 1500–1505 Tempera on panel, transferred to canvas, 27.3 × 46.3 cm Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago Perugino’s serene and decorous art was widely influential in his native region of Umbria and beyond, most famously through his contact…

La Natività (1500-1505)

Perugino (c.1446-1523) La Natività (The Nativity) 1500–1505 Tempera on panel, transferred to canvas, 26.2 × 46.3 cm Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago Perugino’s serene and decorous art was widely influential in his native region of Umbria and beyond, most famously through his…

Cristo e la donna di Samaria (1500-1505)

Perugino (c.1446-1523) Cristo e la donna di Samaria (Christ and the Woman of Samaria) 1500–1505 Tempera on panel, transferred to canvas, 27.3 × 46.3 cm Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago Perugino’s serene and decorous art was widely influential in his native region…

Il battesimo di Cristo (1500–1505)

Perugino (c.1446-1523) Il battesimo di Cristo (The Baptism of Christ) 1500–1505 Tempera on panel, transferred to canvas, 27.3 × 46.4 cm Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago Perugino’s serene and decorous art was widely influential in his native region of Umbria and beyond,…

La resurrezione (1500-1505)

Perugino (c.1446-1523) La resurrezione (The Resurrection) 1500–1505 Tempera on wood, 27 x 45.7 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York This exceptionally well-preserved picture and four others in the Art Institute of Chicago formed the base (predella) of an altarpiece—possibly the large…

Portrait of a Young Venetian Woman (1505)

Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528) Portrait of a Young Venetian Woman 1505 Spruce, 33 × 24.5 × 2.7 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna Inscribed at the top in the middle with the monogram, dat. 1505 We don’t know who the charming young lady is,…

Madonna del Prato (1505-1506)

Raffaello (1483-1520) Madonna del Prato (Madonna of the meadow) 1505–1506 Oil on poplar, 113 × 88.3 × 3.5 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna Inscription on the hem of Mary’s dress with the year M.d.V. (perhaps also M.D.V.I. to be read) The group,…

Salvator Mundi (c.1505)

Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528) Salvator Mundi (Savior of the World) c.1505 Oil on linden, 58.1 x 47 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York This picture of Christ as Savior of the World, who raises his right hand in blessing and in…