Tag: 1602

San Matteo e l’angelo (1602)

Caravaggio (1571-1610) San Matteo e l’angelo (St Matthew and the Angel) 1602 destroyed in 1945 Oil on canvas, 232 x 183 cm Bode Museum, Berlin (former Kaiser Friedrich Museum)

Cattura di Cristo (c.1602)

Caravaggio (1571-1610) Cattura di Cristo (Taking of Christ) c.1602 Oil on canvas, 133 x 171 cm Odessa Museum of Western and Eastern Art, Odessa Stolen in July 2008, it was recovered -badly damaged- in 2010 by German police in Berlin. The…

Pio Monte della Misericordia (Napoli)

Founded: 1602 Location: Via dei Tribunali, 253, 80139 Napoli, Italia Website: https://piomontedellamisericordia.it/ Collection: • Caravaggio (1571-1610): Sette opere di misericordia (1606-07) • Giordano, Luca (1634-1705): Autoritratto (c.1692) See also: • Churches | Museums | Napoli (Italia) | Organizations

Deposizione (c.1600-1604)

Caravaggio (1571-1610) Deposizione (Entombment of Christ) c.1600–1604 Oil on canvas, 300 x 203 cm Pinacoteca Vaticana, Vaticano The Deposition, considered one of Caravaggio‘s greatest masterpieces, was commissioned by Girolamo Vittrice for his family chapel in S. Maria in Vallicella (Chiesa Nuova) in Rome.…

Cattura di Cristo (1602)

Caravaggio (1571-1610) Cattura di Cristo (The Taking of Christ) 1602 Oil on canvas, 133.5 x 169.5 cm National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin Throughout history, few artists have caused as radical a change in pictorial perceptions as Caravaggio. From the moment his talent…

San Giovanni Battista (c.1602)

Caravaggio (1571-1610) San Giovanni Battista (St John the Baptist) c.1602 Oil on canvas, 132 x 97 cm Galleria Doria Pamphilj, Roma Compare: Caravaggio (1571-1610) San Giovanni Battista 1602 Musei Capitolini, Roma    

San Giovanni Battista (1602)

Caravaggio (1571-1610) San Giovanni Battista (St John the Baptist) 1602 Oil on canvas, 129 x 95 cm Musei Capitolini, Roma Compare: Caravaggio (1571-1610) San Giovanni Battista c.1602 Galleria Doria Pamphilj, Roma    

Amor Vincit Omnia (1601-1602)

Caravaggio (1571-1610) Amor Vincit Omnia (Love Conquers All / Cupid as Victor) 1601–1602 Oil on canvas, 156.5 x 113.3 cm Gemäldegalerie, Berlin Around 1592/93, Caravaggio came to Rome from Lombardy, bringing with him formative impressions of the works of Savoldo, Lotto, Romanino…