Tag: 1651

Old Man (1651)

Flinck, Govert (1615-1660) Old Man 1651 Oil on canvas, 99.5 x 84 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna Inscribed at lower left: G. Flinck f. 1651

Busto del Duca Francesco I d’Este (1650-1651)

Bernini, Gian Lorenzo (1598-1680) Busto del Duca Francesco I d’Este (Bust of Duke Francesco I d’Este) 1650–1651 Marble, 80 x 106 x 50 cm Galleria Estense, Modena In this famous marble, the effigy of Francis I stands out as a manifesto of…

La Morte di Cleopatra (c.1645-1655)

Cagnacci, Guido (1601-1663) La Morte di Cleopatra (The Death of Cleopatra) c.1645–1655 Oil on canvas, 95 × 75 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York The subject, from Plutarch’s Lives (1st century A.D.), is Cleopatra’s suicide by an asp bite following the…

Portrait of a Man (1650-1660)

Rembrandt (1606-1669) Portrait of a Man c.1650–1660 Oil on canvas, 83.5 x 64.5 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York This portrait is generally considered to be by Rembrandt, and is somewhat less uniformly thought to date from the 1650s. Both…