Tag: 1653

Il sacrificio di Isacco (c.1653)

Giordano, Luca (1634-1705) Il sacrificio di Isacco (The Sacrifice of Isaac) c.1653 Oil on canvas, 85 x 124 cm Museo del Prado, Madrid God tested Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his son Isaac. Arriving at the chosen place, Abraham built…

San Sebastiano (1653)

Guercino (1591-1666) San Sebastiano (Saint Sebastian) 1653 Oil on canvas, 253 x 169 cm Galleria Palatina, Palazzo Pitti, Firenze Work of the Bolognese school artist Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, known as Guercino, the painting depicts St Sebastian, officer of the Praetorian Guard of…

Artemisia Gentileschi

(1593-c.1653) The artist’s works: Danae c.1612 Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis Autoritratto come martire c.1615 Private collection Autoritratto come Santa Caterina d’Alessandria c.1615–1617 National Gallery, London Autoritratto come suonatrice di liuto c.1615–1618 Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford Giuditta e la sua ancella c.1618–1619 Galleria…

La Morte di Cleopatra (c.1645-1655)

Cagnacci, Guido (1601-1663) La Morte di Cleopatra (The Death of Cleopatra) c.1645–1655 Oil on canvas, 95 × 75 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York The subject, from Plutarch’s Lives (1st century A.D.), is Cleopatra’s suicide by an asp bite following the…

Felipe IV (c.1653)

Velázquez, Diego (1599-1660) Felipe IV (Philip IV) c.1653 Oil on canvas, 69.3 x 56.5 cm Museo del Prado, Madrid This image can be identified as that of a king and as a portrait of Philip IV on the basis of…

Portrait of an Old Man in Red (1652-1654)

Rembrandt (1606-1669) Portrait of an Old Man in Red c.1652–1654 Oil on canvas, 108 x 86 cm Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg In the 1650s Rembrandt turned increasingly to the depiction of aged men and women, seeking to bring out in these…

Portrait of a Man (1650-1660)

Rembrandt (1606-1669) Portrait of a Man c.1650–1660 Oil on canvas, 83.5 x 64.5 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York This portrait is generally considered to be by Rembrandt, and is somewhat less uniformly thought to date from the 1650s. Both…