Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban (1617-1682) Magdalena penitente (Penitent Magdalene) c.1650–1665 Oil on canvas, 46.67 x 46.36 cm Minneapolis Institute of Art, Minneapolis
Velázquez, Diego (1599-1660) Infanta Margarita Teresa con vestido rosa (Infanta Margarita Teresa in pink dress) 1654 Oil on canvas, 128 × 99.6 × 3.2 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna Margarita was the first child of the marriage between King Philip IV and his…
Cagnacci, Guido (1601-1663) La Morte di Cleopatra (The Death of Cleopatra) c.1645–1655 Oil on canvas, 95 × 75 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York The subject, from Plutarch’s Lives (1st century A.D.), is Cleopatra’s suicide by an asp bite following the…
Guercino (1591-1666) Il ritorno del figliol prodigo (The Return of the Prodigal Son) 1654–1655 Oil on canvas, 155.6 x 146.1 cm Timken Museum of Art, San Diego The parable depicted by Il Guercino (a nickname meaning “squint-eyed”) is the one most…
Rembrandt (1606-1669) Portrait of Hendrickje Stoffels probably 1654–1656 Oil on canvas, 101.9 x 83.7 cm National Gallery, London Something doesn’t quite add up about this mysterious portrait. The sitter – Rembrandt did not identify her – has an almost regal…
Rembrandt (1606-1669) A Woman bathing in a Stream (Hendrickje Stoffels?) 1654 Oil on oak, 61.8 x 47 cm National Gallery, London Rembrandt’s painting, unique for him in its tender intimacy, shows a young woman almost up to her knees in…
Rembrandt (1606-1669) Portrait of Hendrickje Stoffels c.1654 Oil on canvas, 74 x 61 cm Musée du Louvre, Paris Since 1883 (Bode), the model has passed convincingly to be Hendrickje Stofetls, the painter’s partner after Saskia‘s death in 1642. Typical Neo-Vetanian…
Rembrandt (1606-1669) Bathsheba at Her Bath 1654 Oil on canvas, 142 x 142 cm Musée du Louvre, Paris Subject taken from the Bible (II Book of Samuel, the importance of the letter delivered to Bathsheba, the strong point of an…
Rembrandt (1606-1669) Portrait of an Old Man in Red c.1652–1654 Oil on canvas, 108 x 86 cm Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg In the 1650s Rembrandt turned increasingly to the depiction of aged men and women, seeking to bring out in these…