Tag: 1700

Omaggio a Velázquez (c.1692-1700)

Giordano, Luca (1634-1705) Omaggio a Velázquez (A Homage to Velázquez) c.1692–1700 Oil on canvas, 205.2 x 182.2 cm National Gallery, London The title of this painting originates from the idea that the man seated in the centre represents Diego Velázquez at the…

John Dryden

(1631–1700) Works: • All for Love; Or, The World Well Lost: A Tragedy (English) • Discourses on Satire and on Epic Poetry (English) • Dryden’s Palamon and Arcite (English) • His Majesties Declaration Defended (English) • The Aeneid, Translated by…

Teste da un cammeo (1700s)

Tiepolo, Giambattista (1696-1770) Teste da un cammeo (Heads from a Cameo) 1700s Oil on canvas, 23.5 x 18.3 cm Rhode Island School of Design, Providence


Deaths: • Dryden, John (1631-1700) Art: • Giordano, Luca (1634-1705): Omaggio a Velázquez (c.1692-1700) • Tiepolo, Giambattista (1696-1770): Teste da un cammeo (1700s)