Tag: 1923

Femme nue se baissant (1923)

Bonnard, Pierre (1867-1947) Femme nue se baissant (Nude Bending Down) 1923 Oil on canvas, 57.1 × 52.7 cm Tate Britain, London A woman is glimpsed quietly wiping her leg. The informality of the pose suggests that the model has been caught unawares…

La terre labourée (1923-1924)

Miró, Joan (1893-1983) La terre labourée (The Tilled Field) 1923–1924 Oil on canvas, 66 x 92.7 cm Guggenheim Museum, New York During the summer of 1923 Joan Miró began painting The Tilled Field, a view of his family’s farm in Montroig, Catalonia.…

Femme assise (1923-1924)

Soutine, Chaïm (1893-1943) Femme assise (Seated Woman) 1923–1924 Oil on canvas, 65 x 54 cm Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland The woman portrayed here seems to bear the weight of the world on her shoulders. Her ghostlike silhouette in tones of…

Strawberry Thief (1883)

Morris, William (1834-1896) Strawberry Thief design registered 1883, printed 1917–1923 Cotton, 274.3 x 94 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Paysage à Cagnes (c.1923)

Soutine, Chaïm (1893-1943) Paysage à Cagnes (Landscape at Cagnes) c.1923 Oil on canvas, 60.5 × 73 cm Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago See also: • Cagnes-sur-Mer (France)