Bonnard, Pierre (1867-1947) Femme nue se baissant (Nude Bending Down) 1923 Oil on canvas, 57.1 × 52.7 cm Tate Britain, London A woman is glimpsed quietly wiping her leg. The informality of the pose suggests that the model has been caught unawares…
Miró, Joan (1893-1983) La terre labourée (The Tilled Field) 1923–1924 Oil on canvas, 66 x 92.7 cm Guggenheim Museum, New York During the summer of 1923 Joan Miró began painting The Tilled Field, a view of his family’s farm in Montroig, Catalonia.…
Soutine, Chaïm (1893-1943) Femme assise (Seated Woman) 1923–1924 Oil on canvas, 65 x 54 cm Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland The woman portrayed here seems to bear the weight of the world on her shoulders. Her ghostlike silhouette in tones of…
Soutine, Chaïm (1893-1943) Paysage à Cagnes (Landscape at Cagnes) c.1923 Oil on canvas, 60.5 × 73 cm Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago See also: • Cagnes-sur-Mer (France)
Soutine, Chaïm (1893-1943) Jeune femme à la blouse blanche (Young Woman in a White Blouse) c.1923 Oil on canvas, 45 × 34 cm Courtauld Institute of Art, London