Tag: donor

Madonna Enthroned with the Child (c.1485-1490)

Memling, Hans (c.1430-1494) Madonna Enthroned with the Child, Angels and Unknown Donor c.1485–1490 Oil on oak panel, 69.3 × 47 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna This is the central panel of the St. John Altarpiece St. John Altarpiece (c.1485-1490) In a balanced composition, Hans…

St. John Altarpiece (c.1485-1490)

Memling, Hans (c.1430-1494) St. John Altarpiece c.1485–1490 Oil on oak panel, 69.3 × 47 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna Inner left wing: Memling, Hans (c.1430-1494) John the Baptist c.1485–1490 Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna     Central panel: Memling, Hans (c.1430-1494) Madonna Enthroned with the…

Pala di San Gerolamo (c.1490)

Botticini, Francesco (1446-1498) Pala di San Gerolamo (S. Gerolamo Altarpiece) c.1490 Tempera on poplar, 235 × 258 cm National Gallery, London The S. Gerolamo Altarpiece, named after the saint prominently depicted at its centre and the church where it originally stood, is…

Adoration of the Magi (c.1494)

Bosch, Hieronymus (c.1450-1516) Adoration of the Magi c.1494 Oil on oak panel, 147.4 x 168.6 cm Museo del Prado, Madrid Closed: The theme of this triptych is the advent of salvation -a message about the universality of Redemption. The Eucharistic meaning…

Santa Caterina d’Alessandria e committente (c.1480)

Pinturicchio (c.1454-1513) Santa Caterina d’Alessandria e committente (Saint Catherine of Alexandria with a Donor) c.1480 Oil on wood, 56.5 x 38.1 cm National Gallery, London This painting was made for private worship, and the donor who commissioned it is shown kneeling…

Madonna in trono col Bambino e santi (c.1400-1410)

Gentile da Fabriano (c.1370-1427) Madonna in trono col Bambino e santi (Madonna and Child Enthroned, Saint Nicholas of Bari, Saint Catherine of Alexandria and a donor) c.1400–1410 Tempera and gold on poplar, 133.4 x 115 cm Gemäldegalerie, Berlin SIGNATURE / INSCRIPTION:…

San Lorenzo in trono con santi e donatori (c.1440s)

Lippi, Filippo (1406-1469) San Lorenzo in trono con santi e donatori (Saint Lawrence Enthroned with Saints and Donors) c.1440s Tempera on wood, gold ground, 121.3 x 115.6 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Saint Lawrence is shown enthroned, with his feet…