Madonna Enthroned with the Child (c.1485-1490)

Memling, Hans (c.1430-1494)

Madonna Enthroned with the Child, Angels and Unknown Donor
Oil on oak panel, 69.3 × 47 cm
Kunsthistorisches MuseumVienna

This is the central panel of the St. John Altarpiece

St. John Altarpiece (c.1485-1490)

In a balanced composition, Hans Memling depicts the enthroned Madonna with an angel and a kneeling donor, flanked on the left by John the Baptist and on the right by John the Evangelist. In the architectural frame of the central picture, he added small groups of figures with the sacrifice of Isaac and the beheading of St. Catherine – the putti with fruit wreaths already show the influence of the Italian early Renaissance. (KHM)