Tag: fresco

Trionfo della Castità e Amore sconfitto (c.1509)

Signorelli, Luca (c.1445-1523) Trionfo della Castità e Amore sconfitto (Triumph of Chastity: Love Disarmed and Bound) c.1509 Fresco, detached and mounted on canvas, 125.7 x 133.4 cm National Gallery, London This picture, painted in fresco (directly onto wet plaster), was part…

Ritorno di Ulisse (c.1509)

Pinturicchio (c.1454-1513) Ritorno di Ulisse (Return of Ulysses/Penelope with the Suitors) c.1509 Fresco, detached and mounted on canvas, 125.5 x 152 cm National Gallery, London This picture, painted in fresco, was part of a series of eight which decorated the walls of…


(c.1454–1513) Bernardino di Betto Betti Bernardino di Betto di Biago The artist’s works: Madonna col Bambino benedicente c.1480 National Gallery, London Santa Caterina d’Alessandria e committente c.1480 National Gallery, London Capo di un giovane che guarda in alto c.1485 National Gallery of…


(1494–1557) Jacopo Carucci known as Jacopo da Pontormo, Jacopo Pontormo, or simply Pontormo The artist’s works: Giuseppe venduto a Putifarre c.1515 National Gallery, London I fratelli di Giuseppe chiedono aiuto c.1515 National Gallery, London Supplizio del fornaio c.1515 National Gallery, London Ritratto di…

Rosso Fiorentino

(1495–1540) Giovanni Battista di Jacopo known as Rosso Fiorentino, or Il Rosso The artist’s works: Madonna in trono col Bambino e quattro santi 1518 Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze Ritratto di giovane con una lettera 1518 National Gallery, London Madonna col Bambino e…

La Vergine e il Bambino in trono (c.1440-1444)

Domenico Veneziano (c.1410-1461) La Vergine e il Bambino in trono (The Virgin and Child Enthroned) c.1440–1444 Fresco, transferred to canvas, 241 x 120.5 cm National Gallery, London This is the central part of a fresco which was once flanked by two standing…

Testa di santo con tonsura e barba (c.1440-1444)

Domenico Veneziano (c.1410-1461) Testa di santo con tonsura e barba (Head of a Tonsured, Bearded Saint) c.1440–1444 Fresco, transferred to tile, 45 x 35.5 cm National Gallery, London This is a fragment of a fresco of an image of a standing saint.…

Testa di santo con tonsura senza barba (c.1440-1444)

Domenico Veneziano (c.1410-1461) Testa di santo con tonsura senza barba (Head of a Tonsured, Beardless Saint) c.1440–1444 Fresco, transferred to tile, 43 x 35.5 cm National Gallery, London This is a fragment of a fresco of a full-length standing figure of a…

Domenico Veneziano

(c.1410–1461) Domenico di Bartolomeo The artist’s works: La Vergine e il Bambino in trono c.1440–1444 National Gallery, London Testa di santo con tonsura e barba c.1440–1444 National Gallery, London Testa di santo con tonsura senza barba c.1440–1444 National Gallery, London Madonna col Bambino…

Simone Martini

(c.1284–1344) The artist’s works: San Ansano c.1326 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York L’Angelo dell’Annunciazione c.1330 National Gallery of Art, Washington Annunciazione e i santi Ansano e Massima 1333 Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze Madonna dell’Annunciazione 1340–1344 Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg Gesù che porta la…