Tag: knife

The Land of Milk and Honey (1567)

Bruegel the Elder, Pieter (c.1525-1569) The Land of Milk and Honey 1567 Oil on oak, 51.5 x 78.3 cm Alte Pinakothek, Munich The theme broached here is human wrongdoing that includes idleness and gluttony. It pervades all social classes, as shown…

Mauresque (1869)

Bazille, Frédéric (1841-1870) Mauresque (Woman in a Moorish Costume) 1869 Oil on canvas, 99.7 x 59 cm Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena Lise Tréhot, Renoir’s first mistress, model, and muse, is here depicted with quiet eroticism by that artist’s friend and colleague, Bazille.…

Marriage of Peleus and Thetis (1636-1638)

Jordaens, Jacob (1593-1678) Marriage of Peleus and Thetis 1636–1638 Oil on canvas, 181 x 288 cm Museo del Prado, Madrid As with the Rape of Hippodamia (P01658), this marriage scene was commissioned from Rubens as part of the mythological cycle drawn from…