Bronzino (1503-1572) Ritratto di Cosimo I de’ Medici come Orfeo (Portrait of Cosimo I de Medici as Orpheus) c.1537–1539 Oil on panel, 93.7 × 76.4 cm Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia Duke Cosimo I de’ Medici is shown as the mythological musician…
Veronese, Paolo (1528-1588) Ritratto di Daniele Barbaro (Portrait of Daniele Barbaro) 1556–1562 Oil on canvas, 121 x 105.5 cm Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam Daniele Barbaro was a leading scholar of Aristotelian physics. He is shown in the ecclesiastical garments of a patriarch. Next…
Carracci, Annibale (1560-1609) Pietà c.1603 Oil on copper, 41.3 x 60.7 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna Overwhelmed by her helplessness and pain, Mary holds her dead son in her lap. Pale colours and the pathos of marbles by Michelangelo and from antiquity…
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828-1882) The Salutation of Beatrice 1869 Oil on canvas, 57.1 x 47 cm Private collection Inscription with a sonnet from Dante‘s Vita Nuova (The New Life). Beatrice Portinari was the Florentine girl who represented the ideal of…
Lorenzo di Credi (c.1459-1537) Madonna col Bambino (The Virgin and Child) c.1480–1485 Oil on wood, 71.1 × 49.5 cm National Gallery, London The Virgin Mary is seated directly in front of us. Together with swathes of drapery, she covers almost the…
Hals, Frans (c.1582-1666) Portrait of a Man Holding a Watch 1643 Oil on canvas, 82.6 x 66.7 cm Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia For a long time the identity of this bearded man was unknown. Recent scholarship reveals that it is very likely…
Memling, Hans (c.1430-1494) Adam c.1485–1490 Oil on oak panel, 69.4 × 17.2 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna This is the outer left wing of the St. John Altarpiece. St. John Altarpiece (c.1485-1490) In a balanced composition, Hans Memling depicts the enthroned Madonna with an angel…
Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban (1617-1682) La Virgen con el Niño (Madonna and Child) c.1670 Oil on canvas, 190 x 137 cm Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam On loan from the Koninklijk Kabinet van Schilderijen Mauritshuis, May 1948. Mary, seated on the clouds, holds with both…