Tag: partridge

Après la chasse (c.1859)

Courbet, Gustave (1819-1877) Après la chasse (After the Hunt) c.1859 Oil on canvas, 236.2 x 186.1 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York In style, scale, and composition, this work strongly resembles Courbet’s first hunting scene, The Quarry, a great…

San Gerolamo nello studio (c.1475)

Antonello da Messina (c.1430-1479) San Gerolamo nello studio (Saint Jerome in his Study) c.1475 Oil on lime, 45.7 x 36.2 cm National Gallery, London Born in the fourth century, Saint Jerome was a scholar and a monk. His translation of the…

Nicola da Tolentino resuscita due colombe (c.1500)

Raffaello (1483-1520) & Circle of Perugino (c.1446-1523) Nicola da Tolentino resuscita due colombe (St Nicholas of Tolentino Restoring Two Partridges to Life) c.1500 Oil on panel, 29.2 x 54 cm Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit This painting is probably a fragment of…