Tag: Pinturicchio

Madonna col Bambino (c.1490-1500)

Pinturicchio (c.1454-1513) Madonna col Bambino (Virgin and Child) c.1490–1500 Tempera and oil on wood, 45.5 x 34.2 cm Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland Bernardino di Betto, called Pinturicchio, is said to have acquired his nickname (“little painter”) because of his small…

San Bartolomeo (c.1497)

Pinturicchio (c.1454-1513) San Bartolomeo (Saint Bartholomew) c.1497 Tempera on wood panel, 59.6 x 51 cm Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton Flayed and crucified for spreading Christ’s word through Armenia and India, the apostle Bartholomew was represented horrifically, holding his own skin,…

Capo di un giovane che guarda in alto (c.1485)

Pinturicchio (c.1454-1513) Capo di un giovane che guarda in alto (Head of a Youth Looking Up) c.1485 Leadpoint and brown wash, heightened with white gouache on gray prepared paper, 25.5 x 19.5 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington

Alexander VI (Papa)

(1431–1503) Roderic Llançol de Borja, Rodrigo Borgia Pope Alexander VI (1492–1503) Alexander VI in Art: Pinturicchio (c.1454-1513) Santa Caterina d’Alessandria e committente c.1480 National Gallery, London     Tiziano (c.1488-1576) Jacopo Pesaro presentato a san Pietro da papa Alessandro VI 1506–1510 Koninklijk Museum…

Virgen de las Fiebres (c.1500)

Pinturicchio (c.1454-1513) Virgen de las Fiebres (Madonna with Writing Child and Kneeling Bishop) c.1500 Oil and gold on panel, 158 x 77.3 cm Museo de Bellas Artes, Valencia

Putto con ghirlande (c.1509)

Pinturicchio (c.1454-1513) Putto con ghirlande (Putto with garlands) c.1509 Fresco, transferred to canvas and attached to wood panels, 94 × 108 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York This fresco was part of a series which decorated the palace belonging to Pandolfo…

Ritorno di Ulisse (c.1509)

Pinturicchio (c.1454-1513) Ritorno di Ulisse (Return of Ulysses/Penelope with the Suitors) c.1509 Fresco, detached and mounted on canvas, 125.5 x 152 cm National Gallery, London This picture, painted in fresco, was part of a series of eight which decorated the walls of…

Santa Caterina d’Alessandria e committente (c.1480)

Pinturicchio (c.1454-1513) Santa Caterina d’Alessandria e committente (Saint Catherine of Alexandria with a Donor) c.1480 Oil on wood, 56.5 x 38.1 cm National Gallery, London This painting was made for private worship, and the donor who commissioned it is shown kneeling…