Tag: Tiziano

Ecce Homo (1547)

Tiziano (c.1488-1576) Ecce Homo 1547 Oil on slate, 69 x 56 cm Museo del Prado, Madrid Although we do not know when Titian first treated this subject, it was probably in 1535, when he painted a Christ for Federico Gonzaga following a…

Concerto (c. 1510)

Tiziano (c.1488-1576) Concerto (Concert) c.1510 Oil on canvas, 86.5 x 123.5 cm Galleria Palatina, Palazzo Pitti, Firenze

Autoritratto (c.1562)

Tiziano (c.1488-1576) Autoritratto (Self-Portrait) c.1562 Oil on canvas, 86 x 65 cm Museo del Prado, Madrid Titian painted his first self-portrait before leaving for Rome in 1545. However, it was after his Roman stay that he showed the most interest in disseminating…

Amor sacro e amor profano (1515-1516)

Tiziano (c.1488-1576) Amor sacro e amor profano (Sacred and Profane Love) 1515–1516 Oil on canvas, 118 x 278 cm Galleria Borghese, Roma This work was probably sold to Scipione Borghese in 1608 by Cardinal Paolo Emilio Sfondrati. A veritable interpretative enigma, critics…

Venere di Urbino (1538)

Tiziano (c.1488-1576) Venere di Urbino (Venus of Urbino) 1538 Oil on canvas, 119 x 165 cm Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze Compare: Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique (1780-1867) La Vénus couchée d’Urbino, d’après le Titien 1822 Walters Art Museum, Baltimore    


(c.1488–1576) Tiziano Vecellio di Gregorio The artist’s works: Adorazione dei Magi 1500s Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland Adorazione di Gesù Bambino c.1506 Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg Jacopo Pesaro presentato a san Pietro da papa Alessandro VI 1506–1510 Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerp…

Wallace Collection (London)

Established: 1897 Location: Hertford House, Manchester Square, London W1U 3BN Website: https://www.wallacecollection.org/ Collection: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z See…

Gallerie dell’Accademia (Venezia)

Established: 1750 Opened to the public: 1817 Location: Campo della Carità, Dorsoduro 1050, Venezia Website: https://www.gallerieaccademia.it/ Collection: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W…