Tag: Verrocchio

Testa di donna (s.d.)

Verrocchio, Andrea del (1435-1488) Testa di donna (Head of a woman, eyes lowered, slightly turned to the left) s.d. Metalpoint, pen and brush in black and gray ink heightened with white, on orange-red prepared paper, 26.7 x 22.4 cm Musée…

Madonna col Bambino e due angeli (c.1467-1469)

Verrocchio, Andrea del (1435-1488) Madonna col Bambino e due angeli (The Virgin and Child with Two Angels) c.1467–1469 Tempera on wood, 69.2 × 49.8 cm National Gallery, London The focus of this picture is the loving gaze which passes between the…

Studio di panneggio (c.1470)

Verrocchio, Andrea del (1435-1488) Studio di panneggio (Drapery Study of a Standing Figure Facing Right, in Profile) late 1460s-early 1470s Brush and opaque watercolor, on linen, mounted to paper, 28.3 × 18.3 cm Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago

Lorenzo di Credi

(c.1459–1537) Lorenzo d’Andrea d’Oderigo The artist’s works: Madonna della melagrana 1475–1480 National Gallery of Art, Washington Annunciazione 1480–1490 Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze Madonna col Bambino c.1480–1485 National Gallery, London Madonna che adora il Bambino early 1490s Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Ritratto di…

Francesco Botticini

(1446–1498) Francesco di Giovanni The artist’s works: Madonna col Bambino e due angeli 1465–1475 Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago Madonna col Bambino e San Giovanni Battista c.1470 Musée du Louvre, Paris Madonna col Bambino, Tobia e Raffaele Arcangelo c.1470 Cleveland Museum of…

Putto in equilibrio su un globo (c.1480)

Verrocchio, Andrea del (1435-1488) Putto in equilibrio su un globo (Putto Poised on a Globe) c.1480 Unbaked clay, 75 x 38.3 x 23 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington Poised tiptoe on a globe, this chubby cherub seems to pirouette, inviting interest…

Giuliano de’ Medici (c.1475-1478)

Verrocchio, Andrea del (1435-1488) Giuliano de’ Medici c.1475–1478 Terracotta, 61 x 66 x 28.3 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington Verrocchio, a favorite artist of the Medici, may have created this lively and commanding portrait on the occasion of a joust…

San Girolamo (c.1460)

Verrocchio, Andrea del (1435-1488) San Girolamo (Saint Jerome) c.1460 Mixed media on paper glued on board, 40.5 x 27 cm Galleria Palatina, Palazzo Pitti, Firenze The figure is identified as Saint Jerome by his aged appearance, his face weathered and torso semi-nude…