Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery (1565)

Bruegel the Elder, Pieter (c.1525-1569)

Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery
Oil on panel, 24.1 x 34.4 cm
Courtauld Institute of ArtLondon

Inscription: lower left corner within image: BRVEGEL.M.D.LXV

‘Grisaille’, or painting in shades of grey, was traditionally used to decorate the outside of the folding panels of altarpieces. Bruegel has used it here in an exquisite display of skill, to be treasured by a private collector.

Watched by his disciples, Christ writes on the ground that he who is free of sin should cast the first stone at an adulterous woman. This biblical story challenged hypocrisy as well as demonstrating the virtue of mercy. (Courtauld)