La Dogana a Venezia (c.1724-1730)

Canaletto (1697-1768)

La Dogana a Venezia (The Dogana in Venice)
Oil on canvas, 46 × 63.4 cm
Kunsthistorisches MuseumVienna

Across the forecourt of the Dogana (customs office) at the mouth of the Grand Canal, the view goes to the island of La Giudecca with the church of Zitelle. Canaletto was at the height of his fame as Venice‘s first vedute painter: topographically precise scenery, picturesque staffage and a radiant, rococo-like brightness combine to create the image of Venice that art lovers from the 18th century to the present day have so much appreciated. (KHM)

See also:

• Punta della DoganaVenezia (Italia)