Tag: 1602

Lamentation over the Dead Christ (1601-1602)

Rubens, Peter Paul (1577-1640) Lamentation over the Dead Christ 1601–1602 Oil on canvas, 180 x 136 cm Galleria Borghese, Roma While in the past this Lamentation over the Dead Christ was ascribed to Antoon Van Dyck, today critics agree that it…

Domine, quo vadis? (1601-1602)

Carracci, Annibale (1560-1609) Domine, quo vadis? (Christ appearing to Saint Peter on the Appian Way) 1601–1602 Oil on wood, 77.4 x 56.3 cm National Gallery, London Saint Peter fled Rome after Christ’s crucifixion, scared that he too would be executed by…

Cristo en la cruz (c.1600-1610)

El Greco (1541-1614) Cristo en la cruz (Christ on the Cross) c.1600–1610 Oil on canvas, 193 x 116 cm Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland El Greco (Spanish for “the Greek”) was trained on his native island, Crete, as a painter of…

San Francisco medita sobre la muerte (1600-1610)

El Greco (1541-1614) San Francisco medita sobre la muerte (Saint Francis Meditating on Death) 1600–1610 Oil on canvas, 106 x 66 cm Pinacoteca di Brera, Milano Compare: El Greco (1541-1614) San Francisco y el hermano León meditando sobre la muerte…

Corvina van Hofdyck

(1602–1667) Corvina van Hofdyck in Art: Rembrandt (1606-1669) Portrait of a Woman 1632 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York   Born August 22 1602 Sommelsdijk (Netherlands) Died October 21 1667 Delft (Netherlands) Husband Cornelis van Beresteyn (1586-1638)

Vocazione dei santi Pietro e Andrea (c.1602-1604)

Caravaggio (1571-1610) Vocazione dei santi Pietro e Andrea (Calling of Saints Andrew and Peter) c.1602–1604 Oil on canvas, 140.1 x 176 cm Royal Collection, Hampton Court Palace, London Christ gestures ahead while turning back to the brothers Simon (later Peter) and Andrew,…