Tag: 1638

Santa Águeda (c.1635-1640)

Zurbarán, Francisco de (1598-1664) Santa Águeda (Saint Agatha) c.1635–1640 Oil on canvas, 129 × 61 cm Musée Fabre, Montpellier The prefect Quintianus wants to marry the beautiful and noble Sicilian Agathe; having dedicated her life to Christ, she refuses. So he makes…

The Meeting of Odysseus and Nausicaa (c.1630-1640)

Jordaens, Jacob (1593-1678) The Meeting of Odysseus and Nausicaa c.1630–1640 Oil on canvas, 117.5 x 194 cm Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam Jordaens was one of the most renowned and versatile Antwerp painters. Here he illustrates an episode from Homer’s Odyssey. Odysseus, naked and…

Moïse sauvé des eaux (c.1638)

Poussin, Nicolas (1594-1665) Moïse sauvé des eaux (Moses saved from the waters) c.1638 Oil on canvas, 94 x 121 cm Musée du Louvre, Paris Featuring one of Nicolas Poussin‘s favorite subjects, this painting was very popular in the 17th century. It…

San Girolamo (c.1638-1640)

Ribera, Jusepe de (1591-1652) San Girolamo (Saint Jerome) c.1638–1640 Oil on canvas, 129 x 100.3 cm Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland Saint Jerome (about ad 347–420) translated biblical texts into Latin. Although he sometimes appears as a scholar in his study,…

Autoritratto come allegoria della Pittura (1638-1639)

Gentileschi, Artemisia (1593-c.1653) Autoritratto come allegoria della Pittura (Self-portrait as the Allegory of Painting) 1638–1639 Oil on canvas, 98.6 x 75.2 cm Royal Collection, Buckingham Palace, London Artemisia Gentileschi was invited to London in 1638 by Charles I, and probably produced this…

Retrato de Francisco I de Este (1638)

Velázquez, Diego (1599-1660) Retrato de Francisco I de Este (Portrait of Duke Francesco I d’Este) 1638 Oil on canvas, 68 x 51 cm Galleria Estense, Modena In 1638 Duke Francesco I d’Este undertook a diplomatic trip to the court of King Philip…

San Francisco en meditación (1635-1639)

Zurbarán, Francisco de (1598-1664) San Francisco en meditación (Saint Francis in Meditation) 1635–1639 Oil on canvas, 152 × 99 cm National Gallery, London This is one of Zurbarán’s most austere and intensely spiritual works. He shows Saint Francis in a moment of…

L’Astronomo (1638)

Ribera, Jusepe de (1591-1652) L’Astronomo (The Astronomer) 1638 Oil on canvas, 78.4 x 97.8 cm Worcester Art Museum, Worcester