Tag: 1884

Still life with five bottles (1884)

Van Gogh, Vincent (1853-1890) Still life with five bottles 1884 Oil on canvas, 49.5 × 57.4 cm Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Vienna The still life, which is limited to a few objects, is an impressive example of Vincent van Gogh‘s early paintings. We…

Étude pour “Une baignade à Asnières” (c.1883-1884)

Seurat, Georges (1859-1891) Étude pour “Une baignade à Asnières” (Study for “Bathers at Asnières”) c.1883–1884 Oil on wood panel, 32 x 41 x 5 cm Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland Seurat’s approach to painting differed greatly from the Impressionist painters who…

Roman potter (c.1884)

Alma-Tadema, Lawrence (1836-1912) Roman potter c.1884 Oil on canvas, 152 x 80 cm Musée d’Orsay, Paris Fragment of the painting “Hadrian visiting a Roman-British pottery”, painted in 1884 and cut out by the artist in 1893. The other two fragments of…

Port en Bessin, La Plage (1884)

Signac, Paul (1863-1935) Port-en-Bessin, La Plage (Port-en-Bessin, The Beach) 1884 Oil on canvas, 46 x 64.5 cm Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid ©VEGAP, Madrid Carmen Thyssen Collection This study remained in the artist’s studio for a long time, and was sold fairly late,…

The Triumph of the Innocents (1883-1884)

Hunt, William Holman (1827-1910) The Triumph of the Innocents 1883–1884 Oil on canvas, 156.2 x 254 cm Tate Britain, London Hunt began painting this subject while on a visit to the Holy Land in the 1870s. It shows Mary, Joseph and…

The Triumph of the Innocents (1876-1887)

Hunt, William Holman (1827-1910) The Triumph of the Innocents 1876–1887 Oil on canvas, 157.5 × 247.5 cm Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool Mary and the infant Christ on the donkey are being led on their nocturnal flight to Egypt by Joseph. They…

Le polisseur de marbre (1882-1887)

Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de (1864-1901) Le polisseur de marbre (The Marble Polisher) 1882–1887 Oil on canvas, 65.5 × 81.3 × 1.9 cm Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton Toulouse-Lautrec probably painted this work while studying in the Parisian atelier of the popular painter…

The Sleep of King Arthur in Avalon (1881-1898)

Burne-Jones, Edward (1833-1898) The Sleep of King Arthur in Avalon 1881–1898 Oil on canvas, 279.4 × 650.2 cm Museo de Arte de Ponce, Ponce According to Thomas Malory‘s “Le Morte d’Arthur” (1470), King Arthur suffered a fatal wound in a…

King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid (1884)

Burne-Jones, Edward (1833-1898) King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid 1884 Oil on canvas, 293.4 x 135.9 cm Tate Britain, London This work was based on Alfred Tennyson‘s poem ‘The Beggar Maid’. King Cophetua of Ethiopia falls in love with Penelophon, a…