Tag: Basel

Le Jardin de Daubigny (1890)

Van Gogh, Vincent (1853-1890) Le Jardin de Daubigny (Daubigny’s Garden) 1890 Oil on canvas, 56 x 101.5 cm Kunstmuseum Basel, Basel Compare: Van Gogh, Vincent (1853-1890) Le Jardin de Daubigny 1890 Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam     Van Gogh, Vincent (1853-1890) Le Jardin…

Erasmus of Rotterdam writing (1523)

Holbein, Hans the Younger (c.1497-1543) Erasmus of Rotterdam writing 1523 Mixed technique glued on paper, on pine, 37.1 x 30.8 cm Kunstmuseum Basel, Basel See also: • Erasmus of Rotterdam (1466-1536)

Erasmus of Rotterdam

(1466–1536) Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus Works: • Against War (English) • Colloquies, Volume I (English) • Dialoge or communication of two persons (English) • Education of Children (English) • Encomium artis medicae (Latin) • In Praise of Folly (English) • Merry Dialogue Declaringe the Properties of Shrowde Shrews…

La muse inspirant le poète (1909)

Rousseau, Henri (1844-1910) La muse inspirant le poète (The Muse Inspiring the Poet) 1909 Oil on canvas, 146.2 x 96.9 cm Kunstmuseum Basel, Basel The portrait of Guillaume Apollinaire and his partner, the painter Marie Laurencin, is one of the most famous…

Forêt vierge au soleil couchant (1910)

Rousseau, Henri (1844-1910) Forêt vierge au soleil couchant. Nègre attaqué par un léopard (Virgin Forest with Sunset. Negro Attacked by a Jaguar) c.1910 Oil on canvas, 113.6 x 162.3 cm Kunstmuseum Basel, Basel

Hans Holbein the Younger

(c.1497–1543) The artist’s works: Erasmus 1523 National Gallery, London Erasmus of Rotterdam writing 1523 Kunstmuseum Basel, Basel Erasmus writing 1528 Musée du Louvre, Paris Noli me Tangere 1528 Hampton Court Palace, London Erasmus of Rotterdam c.1532 Metropolitan Museum of Art,…

Kunstmuseum Basel

Established: 1661 Address: St. Alban-Graben 16, 4051 Basel, Switzerland Website: https://www.kunstmuseumbasel.ch/ Collection: • Caravaggio (1571-1610): San Giovanni Battista (c.1600) • Holbein, Hans the Younger (c.1497-1543): Erasmus of Rotterdam writing (1523) • Holbein, Hans the Younger (c.1497-1543): Roundel Portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam (1532) • Rousseau, Henri (1844-1910): Forêt vierge au soleil couchant (c.1910)…

Basel (Switzerland)

Museums: • Kunstmuseum Basel: Vorstädte, 4051 Basel Deaths: • Erasmus of Rotterdam (1466-1536) See also: • Cities | Switzerland