Tag: Lippi

Visione di Sant’Agostino (c.1460)

Lippi, Filippo (1406-1469) Visione di Sant’Agostino (Vision of St Augustine) c.1460 Tempera on panel, 28 x 51.5 cm Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg Originally part of an altar, this work takes its subject from a description of the life of St Augustine,…

Pala Barbadori (1437)

Lippi, Filippo (1406-1469) Pala Barbadori (Barbadori Altarpiece: Madonna and Child Surrounded by Angels, Saint Frediano and Saint Augustine) 1437 Oil? on poplar, 208 x 244 cm Musée du Louvre, Paris Central panel of an altarpiece commissioned on March 8, 1437 by…

Sant’Antonio Abate (1458)

Lippi, Filippo (1406-1469) Sant’Antonio Abate (St. Anthony Abbot) 1458 Tempera on wood panel, 81.3 x 29.8 x 3 cm Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland Pair of Panels from a Triptych: The Archangel Michael and St. Anthony Abbot. These panels depicting Saints Anthony…

L’Arcangelo Michele (1458)

Lippi, Filippo (1406-1469) L’Arcangelo Michele (The Archangel Michael) 1458 Tempera on wood panel, 81.3 x 29.8 x 3 cm Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland Pair of Panels from a Triptych: The Archangel Michael and St. Anthony Abbot. These panels depicting Saints…

Madonna col Bambino in trono e due angeli (c.1440)

Lippi, Filippo (1406-1469) Madonna col Bambino in trono e due angeli (Madonna and Child Enthroned with Two Angels) c.1440 Tempera and gold on wood, transferred from wood, 122.6 x 62.9 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York The Virgin, known as “the…

San Lorenzo in trono con santi e donatori (c.1440s)

Lippi, Filippo (1406-1469) San Lorenzo in trono con santi e donatori (Saint Lawrence Enthroned with Saints and Donors) c.1440s Tempera on wood, gold ground, 121.3 x 115.6 cm Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Saint Lawrence is shown enthroned, with his feet…

Adorazione dei Magi, Tondo Cook (c.1440-1460)

Angelico, Fra (c.1395-1455) & Lippi, Filippo (1406-1469) Adorazione dei Magi, Tondo Cook (The Adoration of the Magi) c.1440–1460 Tempera on poplar panel, diameter 137.3 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington Dozens of people line up around a shed-like structure and around stone ruins…