Pala Barbadori (1437)

Lippi, Filippo (1406-1469)

Pala Barbadori (Barbadori Altarpiece: Madonna and Child Surrounded by Angels, Saint Frediano and Saint Augustine)
Oil? on poplar, 208 x 244 cm
Musée du LouvreParis

Central panel of an altarpiece commissioned on March 8, 1437 by the captains of Orsanmichele (Guelph party) for the altar of the Barbadori chapel in the Santo Spirito church in Florence, according to the testamentary wishes of Gherardo Barbadori († 1429); the three panels of the predella, Saint Frediano diverts the river Serchio, The Annunciation to the Virgin of his approaching death and Saint Augustine in his cell are kept at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence. The altarpiece is quoted in a letter addressed by Domenico Veneziano in 1438 from Perugia to Pedro de Medici. (Louvre)