Tag: Reynolds

Ragazzo che monda un frutto (c.1592-1593)

Caravaggio (1571-1610) Ragazzo che monda un frutto (Boy Peeling Fruit) c.1592–1593 Oil on canvas, 65 × 52 cm Private collection This painting has being owned by Sir Joshua Reynolds in the late 18th century. Compare: Caravaggio (1571-1610) Ragazzo che monda un frutto…

Sarah Siddons

(1755–1831) née Sarah Kemble Sarah Siddons in Art: Gainsborough, Thomas (1727-1788) Mrs Siddons 1785 National Gallery, London     Reynolds, Joshua (1723-1792) Infant Hercules Strangling Serpents 1786 Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg   Born July 5 1755 Brecon (Wales) Died June 8 1831 London (England) Occupation…

Infant Hercules Strangling Serpents (1786)

Reynolds, Joshua (1723-1792) Infant Hercules Strangling Serpents 1786 Oil on canvas, 303 x 297 cm Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg In 1785 Joshua Reynolds, President of the Royal Academy of Arts in London, was commissioned by Catherine II of Russia to paint…

Cupid Untying the Zone of Venus (1788)

Reynolds, Joshua (1723-1792) Cupid Untying the Zone of Venus 1788 Oil on canvas, 127.5 x 101 cm Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg This is an autograph version of Reynolds‘s famous picture of 1784, painted for Lord Carysfort (now Tate Gallery, London). Carysfort,…

Continence of Scipio (1789)

Reynolds, Joshua (1723-1792) Continence of Scipio 1789 Oil on canvas, 239.5 x 165.5 cm Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg In 1785 the British diplomat Lord Carysfort was entrusted with a commission to Reynolds for two paintings, one for Catherine the Great of…

Self-Portrait as a Deaf Man (c.1775)

Reynolds, Joshua (1723-1792) Self-Portrait as a Deaf Man c.1775 Oil on canvas, 75.9 x 63.4 cm Tate Britain, London Creating self-portraits in character or pulling a face was a traditional form of student exercise. But this image was created when the…

Self-Portrait when Young (1753-1758)

Reynolds, Joshua (1723-1792) Self-Portrait when Young 1753–1758 Oil on canvas, 73.7 x 61.6 cm Tate Britain, London This self-portrait was probably painted soon after Reynolds set up a studio in London in 1753. He had spent the previous three years studying art…

Self-Portrait (c.1775)

Reynolds, Joshua (1723-1792) Self-Portrait c.1775 Oil on canvas, 73.7 x 61 cm Tate Britain, London This is one of Reynolds‘s most explicit attempts to rival Rembrandt as a self-portraitist. By the time he painted this work, he was the most famous…