Tag: sea

Fort Samson, Grandcamp (1885)

Seurat, Georges (1859-1891) Fort Samson, Grandcamp 1885 Oil on canvas, 65 x 81.5 cm Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg See also: • Grandcamp-Maisy (France) | Normandie

Femme sur la plage (1887)

Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre (1824-1898) Femme sur la plage (Woman on the Beach) 1887 Oil on paper on canvas, 75.3 x 74.5 cm Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg

Les Rochers (1828)

Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille (1796-1875) Les Rochers (Rocks) 1828 Oil on canvas, 39 x 57.2 cm Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg

Bacchanale (1625-1626)

Poussin, Nicolas (1594-1665) Bacchanale (Bacchanal) 1625–1626 Oil on canvas, 122 x 169 cm Museo del Prado, Madrid This is a traditional scene from the iconography of Bacchus, the Roman god of wine. It depicts his meeting with Ariadne on the island…

Persée et Andromède (c.1819)

Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique (1780-1867) Persée et Andromède (Perseus and Andromeda) c.1819 Oil on canvas, 19.7 × 16.2 cm Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit Ingres‘s vulnerable figure of Andromeda is the “classic” idealized figure study. The fact that she is being…

Bacco e Arianna (1520-1523)

Tiziano (c.1488-1576) Bacco e Arianna (Bacchus and Ariadne) 1520–1523 Oil on canvas, 176.5 x 191 cm National Gallery, London Titian’s Bacchus and Ariadne is one of the finest and most famous paintings in the National Gallery. The Cretan princess Ariadne has…

Moisson, Le Pouldu (1890)

Gauguin, Paul (1848-1903) Moisson, Le Pouldu (Harvest: Le Pouldu) 1890 Oil on canvas, 73 × 92.1 cm Tate Britain, London In 1890 Gauguin was staying at Marie Henry’s boarding house in Le Pouldu, Brittany. The headland in this painting is at the western…

Femmes au bord de la mer (1889)

Laval, Charles (1861-1894) Femmes au bord de la mer (Women on the Seashore) 1889 Watercolor on paper, 22.2 x 30.7 cm Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam See also: • Martinique (France)