Tag: star

Adorazione dei Magi (c.1557-1560)

Tiziano (c.1488-1576) Adorazione dei Magi (Adoration of the Magi) c.1557–1560 Oil on canvas, 223 × 120 cm Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, Milano Painted around 1559–60, the painting has much in common with Titian’s mature works. The rendering of the sky is interesting, for the…

Madonna dell’Umiltà (c.1440)

Angelico, Fra (c.1395-1455) Madonna dell’Umiltà (The Virgin of Humility) c.1440 Tempera on panel, 74 x 52 cm Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam As a Dominican monk, Fra Angelico was not subject to the strict rules of the Florentine painters’ guild. He was thus free…

Queen Eleanor and the Fair Rosamund (1901-1902)

De Morgan, Evelyn (1855-1919) Queen Eleanor and the Fair Rosamund Probably 1901–1902 Oil on canvas, 75.6 x 66.7 cm De Morgan Collection Rosamund was the mistress of Henry II, who built a house for her at Woodstock in Oxfordshire. Legends say…

Adoration of the Magi (1598-1600)

Brueghel, Jan the Elder (1568-1625) Adoration of the Magi 1598–1600 Oil on copperplate, 26.5 x 35.2 cm Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg Compare: Brueghel, Jan the Elder (1568-1625) The Adoration of the Kings 1598 National Gallery, London    

Trilogy of Months, state II

Murer, Eugène (1841-1906) Trilogy of Months, state II s.d. Color lithograph, 82.2 x 61 cm Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland See also: • Vollard, Ambroise (1866-1939)

Bacco e Arianna (1520-1523)

Tiziano (c.1488-1576) Bacco e Arianna (Bacchus and Ariadne) 1520–1523 Oil on canvas, 176.5 x 191 cm National Gallery, London Titian’s Bacchus and Ariadne is one of the finest and most famous paintings in the National Gallery. The Cretan princess Ariadne has…

Sita (c.1893)

Redon, Odilon (1840-1916) Sita c.1893 Pastel, crayon and charcoal on paper, 53.6 × 37.7 cm Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago

The Shadow of Death (1870-1873)

Hunt, William Holman (1827-1910) The Shadow of Death 1870–1873 Oil on canvas, 214.2 x 168.2 cm Manchester Art Gallery, Manchester The picture shows a carpenter’s workshop. A youthful Christ, depicted as muscular and tanned, stands facing the front and stretching, with…

The Triumph of the Innocents (1883-1884)

Hunt, William Holman (1827-1910) The Triumph of the Innocents 1883–1884 Oil on canvas, 156.2 x 254 cm Tate Britain, London Hunt began painting this subject while on a visit to the Holy Land in the 1870s. It shows Mary, Joseph and…

The Triumph of the Innocents (1876-1887)

Hunt, William Holman (1827-1910) The Triumph of the Innocents 1876–1887 Oil on canvas, 157.5 × 247.5 cm Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool Mary and the infant Christ on the donkey are being led on their nocturnal flight to Egypt by Joseph. They…