Millet, Jean-François (1814-1875)
Paysage d’automne avec un troupeau de dindes (Autumn Landscape with a Flock of Turkeys)
Oil on canvas, 81 x 99.1 cm
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Millet wrote to his patron Frédéric Hartmann on February 18, 1873 that he had nearly completed this picture for the dealer Durand-Ruel: “It is a hillock, with a single tree almost bare of leaves, and which I have tried to place rather far back in the picture. The figures are a woman seen from behind and a few turkeys. I have also tried to indicate the village in the background on a lower plane.” The setting is near Barbizon, where Millet lived from 1849 until his death. The tower of the neighboring hamlet of Chailly-en-Bière is visible in the distance. (MET)
See also:
• Barbizon | Chailly-en-Bière (France)