Studio per la ‘Madonna del Pesce’ (c.1512-1514)

Raffaello (1483-1520)

Studio per la ‘Madonna del Pesce’ (Study for the ‘Madonna del Pesce’)
Brush and brown wash heightened with white over black chalk on paper, 25.80 x 21.30 cm
Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh

This drawing shows a very different facet of Raphael‘s genius as a draughtsman to the red chalk A Kneeling Nude Woman with her Left Arm Raised – the only other drawing by Raphael in Scotland. It represents the Virgin and Child enthroned with the young Tobias and the Archangel Raphael on their right and Saint Jerome on their left. It is a preparatory study for a picture known as the Madonna del Pesce or Madonna of the Fish, now in the Prado Museum in Madrid, painted in Rome around 1514 as an altarpiece for San Domenico in Naples. (SNPG)


Raffaello (1483-1520)
Madonna del Pesce
Museo del PradoMadrid