Tag: pearl

Il ritrovamento di Mosè (early 1630s)

Gentileschi, Orazio (1563-1639) Il ritrovamento di Mosè (The Finding of Moses) early 1630s Oil on canvas, 257 × 301 cm National Gallery, London In this vast canvas Orazio Gentileschi depicts the Old Testament story of the Finding of Moses (Exodus 2:2-10).…

The Artist’s Daughter Mary (1777)

Gainsborough, Thomas (1727-1788) The Artist’s Daughter Mary 1777 Oil on canvas, 77.5 × 64.8 cm Tate Britain, London On loan to Gainsborough’s House (Sudbury, UK). Gainsborough was very fond of his two daughters and painted them frequently from childhood into their late…

The Crowning of Saint Catherine (1631 or 1633)

Rubens, Peter Paul (1577-1640) The Crowning of Saint Catherine 1631 or 1633 Oil on canvas, 265.7 x 214.3 cm Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo Rubens painted this magnificent painting as an altarpiece for the Church of the Augustinians in Mechelen (Malines),…

San Giorgio e il drago (c.1555)

Tintoretto, Jacopo (1518-1594) San Giorgio e il drago (Saint George and the Dragon) c.1555 Oil on canvas, 158.3 × 100.5 cm National Gallery, London Saint George plunges his lance into the jaws of the dragon which, according to legend, inhabited the…

Portrait of a Girl (c.1545-1550)

Seisenegger, Jakob (1505-1567) Portrait of a Girl c.1545–1550 Oil on wood, 28.9 × 21.6 cm National Gallery, London Jakob Seisenegger was well known as a portraitist, and he travelled across Europe to paint members of the powerful Hapsburg family, including the…

La predicazione di San Giovanni Battista (1505)

Raffaello (1483-1520) La predicazione di San Giovanni Battista (Saint John the Baptist Preaching) 1505 Oil on poplar, 26.2 × 52 cm National Gallery, London This is the only surviving predella scene of Raphael’s Ansidei Altarpiece for the Ansidei chapel in S. Fiorenzo,…

Madonna Ansidei (1505)

Raffaello (1483-1520) Madonna Ansidei (Ansidei Madonna: The Virgin and Child with Saint John the Baptist and Saint Nicholas of Bari) 1505 Oil on poplar, 216.8 × 147.6 cm National Gallery, London This is the main panel of the Ansidei Altarpiece that the…

Tarquinio e Lucrezia (1578-1580)

Tintoretto, Jacopo (1518-1594) Tarquinio e Lucrezia (Tarquin and Lucretia) 1578–1580 Oil on canvas, 175 × 151.5 cm Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago According to Roman history, the rape of the virtuous matron Lucretia by Tarquin, son of the king of Rome,…