Tag: sleeping

Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee (1596)

Brueghel, Jan the Elder (1568-1625) Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee 1596 Oil on copper, 26.6 x 35 cm Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid Jan Brueghel belonged to a dynasty of painters whose first outstanding member was Pieter Bruegel, Jan’s…

Lot e le sue figlie (c.1622)

Gentileschi, Orazio (1563-1639) Lot e le sue figlie (Lot and His Daughters) c.1622 Oil on canvas, 151.8 × 189.2 cm Getty Center, Los Angeles From the safety of the cave where they have taken refuge, Lot’s daughters appear absorbed by an…

The Garden Court (1870-1875)

Burne-Jones, Edward (1833-1898) The Garden Court 1870–1875 Graphite and watercolor, heightened with white gouache, on paper, 32.3 x 60.2 cm Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland Art historian Andrea Wolk Rager has interpreted this drawing as related to Edward Burne-Jones‘s socialist beliefs,…

Jupiter and Antiope (1659)

Rembrandt (1606-1669) Jupiter and Antiope 1659 Etching, 13.9 x 20.1 cm Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam Rembrandt depicts the slumbering Antiope so convincingly that it seems he is drawing a model actually sleeping soundly. She lies in a totally relaxed pose, her lips parted and her…

Faune dévoilant une dormeuse (1936)

Picasso, Pablo (1881-1973) Faune dévoilant une dormeuse / Jupiter et Antiope, d’après Rembrandt (Faun Revealing a Sleeping Woman/Jupiter and Antiope, after Rembrandt) 1936 Etching and aquatint on paper, 31.6 x 41.7 cm Tate Britain, London Pablo Picasso’s Faun Revealing a Sleeping…

Le Dormeur téméraire (1928)

Magritte, René (1898-1967) Le Dormeur téméraire (The Reckless Sleeper) 1928 Oil on canvas, 116 × 81 x 2 cm Tate Britain, London A figure sleeps in a wooden alcove above a dark cloudy sky. The way into this space is barred…

Cupidon et Psyché (1867)

Legros, Alphonse (1837-1911) Cupidon et Psyché (Cupid and Psyche) exhibited 1867 Oil on canvas, 116.8 × 141.4 cm Tate Britain, London The tale of Cupid and Psyche was written by the Roman poet Lucius Apuleius. Psyche was given a box, supposedly…