Vista di Vienna dal Belvedere (1758-1761)

Bellotto, Bernardo (1721-1780)

Vista di Vienna dal Belvedere (Vienna Viewed from the Belvedere Palace)
Oil on canvas, 135 × 213 cm
Kunsthistorisches MuseumVienna

This view of Vienna from the Upper Belvedere Palace, the summer palace of Prince Eugene of Savoy built on a rise to the south of the city centre, features a number of large Baroque buildings from left to right in the middle ground: standing isolated on the left with its monumental dome is the Karlskirche (Church of St. Charles Borromeo), the Schwarzenberg Palace with its proportions greatly exaggerated, the Orangerie and the Lower Belvedere Palace. Finally, on the right, is the Salesian Convent. Behind them can be seen the city centre with its fortifications. (KHM)

See also:

Vienna (Austria)